Tokyo police figure Mt. Gox bitcoin heist was an inside job

It's been about ten months since the Mt. Gox bitcoin exchange turned out the lights, blaming hackers or a bug in the blockchain as reasons why 850,000 bitcoin it held had suddenly disappeared. Today the Japanese paper Yomiuri Shinbun (English) report...

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Police reportedly arrest UK hacker behind gaming network attacks

Lizard Squad probably shouldn't have bragged about being impossible to track following its cyberattacks against the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. According to both The Daily Dot and a Thames Valley Police report, law enforcement arrested alleged...

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All of Samsung's new smart TVs run Tizen, stream TV to your phone

This summer Samsung showed off prototype HDTVs powered by its homegrown Tizen OS (pictured above and in the gallery), and things have apparently progressed far enough for the company to go all-in on the software next year. While Tizen hasn't taken ov...

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Moto X Pure Edition gets a 64GB option

Motorola trotted out a bloatware-free version of the Moto X (2014) back in September, and now, it's getting a memory boost. The company quietly added the 64GB Pure Edition handset to its Moto Maker site where you're free to fine-tune a design before ...

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Engadget Daily: the year's defining stories, the dangers of sitting, and more!

We're just about through with 2014, so it's the perfect time to take a look back at the defining moments of the past year. To help, we've rounded up some of the biggest stories of 2014. Click on the gallery below to find out what made the list, along...

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IRL: Why I got my mom a Nexus 9 for Christmas

My dad called me up a few weeks ago saying he wanted to get mom a tablet for Christmas, one that might be good enough to replace the laptop she hated. It wasn't the hardware causing angst; it was the software: Windows 8. She's pretty comfortable with...

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Lizard Squad's takedown-for-hire service quickly disappears

One of the oldest sales tactics in the book is using a freebie to get you hooked before slapping you with the bill for the second. That's why the audacious holiday season takedowns of both the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live were, apparently, a mar...

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Working adults are too busy emailing to care about social media

This new Pew Research survey might explain why the most active people in your Facebook friends list are your grandparents and selfie-loving high school cousin. The research firm asked over a thousand adults online what role technology plays in their ...

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How to be smart about Uber and Lyft's surge pricing

Uber and Lyft's universally-hated surge pricing model, which drives fares up depending on rider demand, will once again help ring in the New Year. And don't be surprised if that leads to plenty of social media kvetching. If you don't want to be that ...

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'The Interview' spreads to cable VOD, DirecTV, Vudu and more theaters

In the space of a few days, Sony Pictures' The Interview has gone from unreleased to impossible to avoid. Cable video on-demand operator inDemand has added the movie to its roster, so for $5.99, pretty much anyone with pay-TV service can rent it righ...

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Interactive album artwork doubles as a DJ controller

Jack White isn't the only act doing amazing things with vinyl releases. Inside DJ Qbert's Extraterrestria, one of the jacket inserts doubles as a controller for Algoriddim's djay iOS app. After connecting to a mobile device via Bluetooth, Novalia's p...

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Tesla's next charger will automatically connect to your car, 'for realz'

One of the constant (if minor) hassles of electric car ownership is having to plug in whenever you get home. Wouldn't it be nice if the charger could do that for you? That may just happen. Tesla's Elon Musk has revealed that his company is working on...

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Why sitting will kill you (and what to do about it)

If you work anywhere in or around technology, chances are you've either witnessed or are a member of the standing-desk craze, the natural offshoot of the increasing medical research suggesting sitting in your Herman Miller Aeron chair will actually k...

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The top 16 portable audio devices you can buy right now

Looking to buy a fresh new set of headphones? Maybe you're in the market for some killer desktop speakers instead. Either way, you've come to the right place. Check out the gallery below for all the best gadgets from our portable audio Buyer's Guide....

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The hackers who hit Sony Pictures also threatened CNN

The Guardians of Peace didn't just threaten Sony Pictures and theaters that planned to show The Interview; it also shook its fist at the press, too. The Intercept has obtained an FBI alert noting that the group implied threats against a "news media o...

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WatchESPN sports streaming arrives on Windows Phone

Did you buy that big-screen Lumia phone with dreams of watching live sports while away from home? Today's your lucky day. WatchESPN has finally reached Windows Phone, giving you a way to view all the big ESPN channels and catch up through on-demand c...

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The Army may ditch fitness tests for unfit, 'ponytail-wearing' hackers

It's a truth, often forgotten, that no-one can be perfect at everything. We may laud Justin Timberlake's musical, dancing and acting ability, but he's probably a terrible plumber. It's a problem that the Army is beginning to understand, since the sor...

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Xbox One SDK leak opens the door for homebrew apps

Want to build an Xbox One game without registering as a developer? You may soon be able to, thanks to a leak of the Xbox One developer SDK by a hacking group called H4LT. It cites noble reasons for posting the software, namely to allow greater "creat...

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Wave goodbye to Microsoft's original Kinect

Whether you think depth sensing cameras will become the next big thing or fizzle out, the model that helped usher in the tech is set to be retired for good. The original Kinect will be phased out in 2015, some four years after Microsoft first introdu...

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Sony had to dig up old BlackBerrys to function during hack

When Sony Pictures' computers were hacked on Thanksgiving, its employees were forced to use older technologies to keep things running, according to new reports by The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. They relayed details about the hack fro...

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New York City ponders bitcoin and Apple Pay for parking tickets

New York City wants to make it easier for the recipients of its some 8-to-10 million annual parking tickets to pay their fines. To do so, it's accepting pitches for payment systems that'd take advantage of mobile tech and things like Apple Pay and bi...

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Engadget Daily: 'The Interview' aftermath, Samsung's 360-degree video store, and more!

Interested to learn how The Interview is faring following Sony's cyberattack catastrophe? Check. What about Sony's new 360-degree video store called Milk VR? We have that too -- just click on the gallery below for all our news highlights from the pas...

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Add-on lets your Chromebook run Linux in a window

You can already run a conventional operating system like Linux on your Chromebook if you're the determined sort, but it's not really convenient... not unless you like hopping between virtual terminals, anyway. However, there's now a relatively simple...

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Tesla shows just how far your Model S will go on a charge

So you're fortunate enough to be shopping for a Tesla Model S, but you're anxious about just how far the electric sedan's variants will go on a full battery. How do you know you won't be stranded on the roadside because you bought the wrong edition? ...

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LG will show off curved, 21:9 and 4K monitors at CES

As you've probably read by now, LG's keen on tipping its hand ahead of our arrival in Las Vegas for CES. This year is no different, and with today's news the company focuses on monitors. First up, LG has a 21:9 display with AMD's FreeSync tech in ord...

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FBI wants to know if US banks launched revenge hacks against Iran

Your parents might have told you that revenge solves nothing, but it's not clear that American banks have learned the same lesson. Bloomberg sources understand that the FBI is investigating whether or not US financial institutions hired hackers to co...

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Collaborative mapping project will chart the Amazon's rivers

Crowdsourced mapping efforts are helpful in many places, but they're most useful in corners of the globe where even the professional maps are incomplete -- you can address gaps in coverage that might be difficult for distant observers to fill. And Op...

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Samsung squeezed past Apple in consumer satisfaction for smartphones

Apple may have owned Christmas, but Samsung won the year when it came to satisfying shoppers with its phones. The latest stats from the American Consumer Satisfaction Index, which surveys 70,000 consumers every year, show Samsung slightly beating out...

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Share your favorite gadgets of 2014

2014 was a pretty good year for technology. We saw improvements to some of our favorite cameras and phones, and hints of a promising future. A few companies made serious progress with virtual reality headsets. Smartwatches became ever more popular an...

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You can make a 143-megapixel camera using a scanner

Scanners are really extra-large image sensors at heart, so it stands to reason that you could make a decent camera out of one. Right? Well, Dario Morelli just proved it... and then some. His homebrew medium format camera uses parts from an Epson V30-...

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The stories that defined 2014

It was the year of wearables, VR and 4K. It was the year of ridiculous IPOs and massive security breaches. It was also the year Engadget took a step back and took in the big picture. 2014 was full of great advancements and big setbacks and we were he...

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How NASA plans to deal with Opportunity rover's failing flash memory

Just like your favorite USB flash drive, the memory on NASA's Opportunity rover is beginning to degrade after more than a decade on Mars. That's led to bouts of "amnesia" where the rover ends up losing data and constantly resets, both of which make a...

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Samsung announces a curved-screen all-in-one and its thinnest laptop yet

We hope you like super skinny laptops, because you're going to be seeing a hell of a lot more of them in 2015. Samsung just took the veil off its new ATIV Book 9 Ultrabook, which comes in at just 0.45 inch thick and 2.09 pounds. That's insanely compa...

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Facebook says it 'can do better' with its 'Year in Review' slideshows

Facebook inadvertently opened a lot of old wounds with its automated "Year in Review" slideshow feature. While it was meant to highlight people's favorite moments, it also reminded many of deaths, divorces and other tragedies that they tried to leave...

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Gmail slowly coming back to life in China

China's Gmail users have been the better of four days cut off from their messages, but that's slowly starting to change. According to Google's own transparency report, traffic to the email service is starting to pick up once more, signaling an end (f...

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Samsung just added a 360-degree video store to its VR headset

Since launch in early December, the virtual reality headset released by Samsung and Oculus VR has received a steady drip of new content. Each Tuesday, a handful of new apps launches for Gear VR -- new games (Temple Run!), new experiences (a Paul McCa...

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FBI maintains that North Korea hacked Sony as detractors mount

Did North Korea's government hack Sony Pictures? Though the United States government and FBI say yes, a growing chorus of detractors is pushing back on that claim. And the FBI is apparently listening: one firm, Norse, met with the FBI this past Monda...

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Apple offers two week window for iTunes refunds... in Europe

In case you needed another reason to be jealous of Europe (aside from access to the autobahn and Yotaphone 2, naturally), Apple has one. Now you can return pretty much any iTunes purchase for a full refund within two weeks. Just hit Don't go thinking...

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United Airlines sues site that found loophole for cheap tickets

You know how it's often cheaper to fly from Chicago to Paris by booking a flight to Dubai, and then just getting off at the stopover, which happens to be Paris? Well thanks to a lawsuit from United Airlines and booking site Orbitz, you do now -- the ...

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SyFy's '12 Monkeys' will sync with your Philips Hue bulbs

Sure, Philips' color-changing Hue light bulbs can give you calendar or weather reminders, but if you buy them for practical reasons, you're doing it wrong. To bust out their fun side, SyFy has just announced that its 12 Monkeys series, based on the c...

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Motion-detecting nanosensors could help find life on other planets

Much as we'd love to discover grey aliens with warp drive technology, any extraterrestrial life we're lucky enough to find will likely be pretty basic. But the chemical detection methods used by space probes like Curiosity or Philae are hit-and-miss ...

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Sticky sensors will monitor your body's organs

Health sensors that attach directly to your organs to are potentially very useful, since they can measure miniscule electrical signals and other details that might otherwise fly under the radar. There's just one problem: actually sticking those devic...

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Your nightlife tweets can improve urban planning

Tweeting about your fun night out with the gang could do much more than just instill FOMO in your followers -- it could help improve your city, too. At least that's what two computer researchers, Vanessa and Enrique Frías-Martínez, from Telefonica Un...

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Yes, LG will have new 4K TVs at CES next week

Ending a long period of speculation, LG revealed that it will have new TVs of the extra-large, super duper high-res variety to show off during CES next week (Shocker!). Spanning eight different product lines (UC9, UB9800, UF9500, UF9400, UF8500, UF77...

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Samsung's new 'ring' speakers pipe sound in every direction

Samsung has tackled just about every kind of speaker you can imagine, but it hasn't had an answer to hot-selling 360-degree speakers like the UE Boom. Well, that changes today: the Korean firm has unveiled the WAM6500 and WAM7500, its first compact o...

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Flywheel has an answer to Uber's NYE surge pricing: $10 rides

Getting to and from your New Year's shindig can be an expensive hassle, even if you're not driving: you're either competing for a conventional (and thus costly) taxi or bracing yourself for the surge pricing of ridesharing services like Uber. Flywhee...

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Maker movement may be the cure for our disposable times

It's no secret that we live in an increasingly disposable world. Where once we would spend hours or even days repairing and customizing our gadgets and home appliances, now we just replace them when something breaks or fails to live up to expectation...

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iPhones and iPads made up over half of devices activated on Christmas

Apple's still the king of Christmas when it comes to gadgets, but new holiday data reveals some intriguing new trends. iPhones and iPads accounted for over half (51 percent) of new devices activated during Christmas week, but Microsoft's Lumia device...

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Artists create EP of 'space music' from NASA's audio archive

We have a soft spot for all things outer space here at Engadget, so naturally an EP of tunes constructed entirely with audio clips from said exploration caught our eye... and ears. NASA recently released a massive library of sound files on SoundCloud...

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Mesmerizing Quake demake runs on a decades-old oscilloscope

Before Wiis and PlayStations, before you boasted about how many bits your console had, and before Ralph Baer's Odyssey first hit Sears shelves, a bored physicist at the Brookhaven National Laboratory cobbled together a little digital diversion called...

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