Kindle e-bookstore and self-publishing platform now available in Mexico

DNP Kindle ebookstore and selfpublishing platform now available in Mexico

Both readers and writers in Mexico have a reason to rejoice today, as Amazon has just launched the Kindle Store and Kindle Direct Publishing in their country. The e-bookstore will feature over 70,000 Spanish-language titles, as well as e-books in indigenous tongues like Nahuatl. To help fill up those new e-readers, Amazon will also be offering upwards of 1,500 free books among the store's 2 million titles. The availability of KDP is especially significant, as it offers both unknown authors and big name writers like Paul Coelho (who's using it to release his books El Alquimista and Once Minutos) an alternative path to publishing. Additionally, Gandhi, one of the largest bookstore chains in Mexico, will now sell the basic Kindle and Kindle Paperwhite in its brick and mortar shops for MXN$1,399 (USD$105) and MXN$2,399 (USD$180) respectively. For more info, check out the source links below or the press releases after the break.

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Via: The Verge

Source: Amazon (Kindle Store), Amazon (Kindle Direct Publishing)

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